
  • Paintbrush Diplomacy
    Executive Director
    2016 - 2023

    Developing an International Arts Exchange Program; forming new partnerships with schools and arts organizations; and managing program logistics, communications, reporting, and finances. Developing an online teaching museum; reinventing and maintaining the website, brand, and social media.
  • National Peace Corps Association
    Communications Intern
  • International Arts & Artists
    Marketing & Research Intern

Paintbrush Diplomacy is a non-profit arts organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to provide opportunities for people to connect and exchange ideas and experiences through the process of art. We believe this is the best way to enhance cultural awareness and understanding. With a large collection of international children's art, Paintbrush Diplomacy runs a variety of educational programs, exhibitions, and a free Online Teaching Museum.

Officially founded in San Mateo, CA in 1975, Paintbrush Diplomacy became a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation with tax-exempt status in 1986.

Visit the Paintbrush Diplomacy website